Make Your Own After School Question Jar and Encourage kids to share all the details of their school day with these clever questions to ask kids about school! With our free printable question sheets you’ll never be faced with the standard “fine” answer again.
Related: 27 Best Adorable Free Printable Lunch Box Notes For Kids
Clever Questions To Ask Kids About School
We know all to well how difficult it is to get some kids to open up about their school day and give us any information about what they did in class or played with friends.
We’re willing to bet that you’ve asked your child “how was your day” and have been met with the typical “fine” answer hundreds if not thousands of times already.
Finding questions to ask kids that’ll get them talking and opening up about their experiences at school can be a seriously tough task.
Since some kids can’t help but give us one word answers, it’s really important to ask them questions that encourage more elaborate answers with details so we can keep up with what’s actually happening at school.
So, since we all want to know what our kids are up to at school while they are away during the day, we decided to create an afterschool question jar DIY that’ll help spark some after school conversation.
Our free printable afterschool question jar kit is perfect for use around the dinner table.
These questions to ask kids about school will hopefully encourage and stimulate kids to open up about what’s going on in their school and social life and not give you one word answers.
Our afterschool question jar DIY kit includes access to a free printable set of questions that you can use to talk to your own kids about school. The goal is to stimulate conversation and get a good idea about what’s happening at school.
Our printable pack of questions to ask kids about school come with 10 unique questions per page. With 10 free pages of questions to ask kids, you’ll have access to 100 unique and creative after school questions to stuff into your very own after school question jar.
Keep on reading to find out why we feel it’s so important to talk to your kids about their school day and get detailed instructions about downloading your own questions to ask kids about school so you can make your very own after school question jar.
Why is it important to ask children questions about their day At School?
Talking to kids about their day at school is incredibly important. Kids spend at least 30 hours per week in school and so it’s really important to know what’s going on when they are not at home.
Discussing the happenings of their day allows us to assess how children are coping with the academic, social and personal demands of going to school.
Asking kids questions about their day at school gives us a window into their life away from home.
Beyond getting some insight into how they are managing with school work, assignments and academic pressures asking the right questions gives us the ability to find out how their social world is evolving.
Specifically, carefully crafted questions for kids can help us become aware of red flags that can alert us to instances of bullying, conflict, anxiety, nervousness and other disharmony happening in your child’s school life and bubble.
Gotta go? Click here to save these questions to ask kids after school to Pinterest before you go.
What type of questions encourage kids to talk about their day?
Some young children have a really difficult time expressing themselves and recounting the highs and lows of their school day.
As such, asking them “how was your day” most often results in a one word response like “okay”, “fine”, “good” and “alright”.
To avoid the dreaded one word answer and get a few more details we suggest asking children open ended questions that they can’t answer with one word.
As a result, we created 100 after school questions for kids that can’t be answered in just one word.
Instead, these questions to ask kids encourage children to give details, share experiences and give us some insight into their world at school away from home.
Finally, we paid special attention to creating questions that explore a host of child emotions including pride, nervousness, anxiety, anger, fear, excitement, accomplishment, frustration and disappointment.
We hope that our questions to ask kids about school will encourage children to share the details of events that led to them feeling a variety of different emotions at school.
Gotta go? Click here to save these questions to ask kids after school to Pinterest before you go.
What is an after school question jar?
Our after school question jar is simply a DIY jar loaded with 100 clever questions to ask children about their day at school.
An after school question jar is a great tool for dinner conversation. Simply draw as many questions as you’d like (we recommend 3 or 4) to use as a a conversation starter around the dinner table.
If a question doesn’t seem relevant just stuff it back into the jar and pick another! There really aren’t any rules; just make it work for your child and family!
Planning to make your own answer jar? Click here to save these questions to ask kids after school to Pinterest before you go.
Supplies We Recommend To Make Your Question Jar
Creating your very own after school question jar is really simple. Here are a couple of very basic supplies we recommend to make this project.
- Medium sized plastic jar (you can also use glass with older kids)
- A color printer. We recommend this Brother Multifunction color printer because it’s a great value at under $200 for a wireless color printer.
- Good quality printing paper. We recommend This heavy weight cardstock printing paper available via Amazon.
- Scissors
- Double sided tape or glue
100+ Clever Questions To Ask Kids To Get Them Talking About Their Day At School
#1 Who did you eat lunch with today?
#2 What made you smile today?
#3 What made you laugh out loud at school today?
#4 What games did you play at recess?
#5 Who did you sit with on the school bus today?
#6 What’s something you learned that you didn’t already know?
#7 What is the best thing that happened at school today?
#8 What is the worst thing that happened at school today?
#9 Did you show kindness to someone today?
#10 Did you apologize to someone today?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
After school questions for kids
#11 Did you thank someone today?
#12 Which superpower would have come in handy today?
#13 What is something you were really good at today?
#14 What funny thing did your English teacher say today?
#15 What funny thing did your Math teacher say today?
#16 Who brought the best lunch to school today?
#17 Did something make you feel scared today?
#18 Did you solve any problems today?
#19 Did you sing any songs today?
#20 Did anyone cry in school today?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
Questions To Get Kids To Talk About School
#31 Tell me about a time you shared today?
#32 Who did you play with in the school yard? What did you play?
#33 What was your favorite food in your lunchbox?
#34 Is there anyone in your class that could use a friend?
#35 What is the silliest thing you did today?
#36 What is the nicest thing you said at school today?
#37 Is there anything you regret saying or doing at school today?
#38 Did something make you feel frustrated today?
#39 Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday!
#40 What was the hardest rule to follow today?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
Questions To Ask Kids About Their Day
#41 Did you have a substitute teacher today?
#42 Tell me about the nicest thing someone said to you today.
#43 Tell me about a time you used your imagination today.
#44 Were you a good friend today? Tell mw about it.
#45 Who was a good friend to you today?
#46 Which task did you feel the most confident about today?
#47 Which task was the most difficult for you today?
#48 If you could get a do-over, what would you change about your school day today?
#49 What do you like most about your teacher?
#50 What’s a mean thing you saw today at school?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
#51 Did you need something from home today?
#52 What are you excited about for school tomorrow?
#53 What makes you happiest at school?
#54 What makes you the most nervous about school?
#55 What makes you the most frustrated at school?
#56 Who do you partner with to do group work in class?
#57 Did you feel left out today?
#58 What made you feel the most proud today?
#59 Tell me about a time you asked for help today.
#60 Tell me about a time your teacher was frustrated today.
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
Questions To Ask Kids About Their School Day
#61 Did anyone break the rules today?
#62 Did anything funny happen on the bus today?
#63 How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10?
#64 Was anyone unkind in class today?
#65 Does everyone have a friend to play with at recess?
#66 Tell me about a time when you felt unsafe today.
#67 Were you brave today? Tell me about it?
#68 Who do you sit next to in class?
#69 If you could trade seats with anyone in class who would it be?
#70 Would you prefer to sit in the back or front of the class?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
Questions That Encourage Kids To Talk About School
#71 What exercise did you do today?
#72 Did you build something neat today?
#73 What questions did you ask your teacher today?
#74 Who are your 3 closest friends? What are their names?
#75 Is there someone in your class that you don’t consider a friend? Why?
#76 Who is your kindest classmate?
#77 Who is your funniest classmate?
#78 Who is the smartest student in your class?
#79 Which classmate gets into the most trouble?
#80 Who is your favorite teacher this year?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
After School Questions For Kids
#81 Who is your least favorite teacher this year?
#82 Are there any classmates you would like to get to know you better?
#83 Are there any new classmates in school?
#84 Did you lose anything today?
#85 What do you like better about this school year compared to last?
#86 What do you like most about last school year compared to this year?
#87 What do you miss most about last school year?
#88 Did you feel shy at any point today? Why?
#89 Was your lunch filling enough or were you hungry?
#90 Are there any bullies at school?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
Questions to Ask Your Kids Instead of How Was Your Day
#91 Does anyone get picked on at school?
#92 Did you use the internet today? What did you find?
#93 Did you create art today? What did you make?
#94 Did you play with older or younger schoolmates today?
#95 Was anyone bullied in the school yard today?
#96 Was anyone picked on on the bus to school?
#97 Did you have enough time to eat your lunch?
#98 Did you have enough time for bathroom breaks and personal hygiene?
#99 What’s one thing you wish you could erase from your day?
#100 Do you want something special in your lunch tomorrow?
Planning to make your own afterschool question jar? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest.
Free Printable Questions To Ask Kids
How To Make Your Own After School Question Jar
Making your very own after school question jar is simple. In fact, creating your own jar of questions for kids will take less than 15 minutes.
Here are the detailed steps to follow:
Step 1: Print our free template of questions to ask kids using the download link below.
Step 2: Using sharp scissors cut the questions out for each page. Each page contains 10 questions. So, you need to repeat the process 10 times to get all 100 questions.
Step 3: Print the label template for your DIY after school question jar available below
Step 4: Cut your printed label out using sharp scissors
Step 5: Attach your label to your question jar using double sided tape or glue
Step 6: Stuff your questions into your jar
Step 7: Get talking!
Like this idea for kids? Then, click here to save these questions to ask kids about school to Pinterest to spread the word!
Download & Print Instructions
Downloading and printing these free questions and to ask kids about school is really easy. Simply click on the download link to start your download.
DOWNLOAD LINK FOR QUESTIONS>> Click here to download our free package of question to ask kids.
DOWNLOAD LINK FOR JAR LABEL>> Click here to download the free printable question jar label.
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