Free Printable Tooth Fairy Letter And Envelope (2 Different Colors)

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Our free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope template includes a cute free printable tooth fairy letter and is a great way to make the tooth fairy tradition even more special for children.

free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope

Free Printable Tooth Fairy Letter And Envelope

Our little girl had another loose tooth recently.

And, I knew I had to come up with a fun way to make the Tooth Fairies visit an extra special event and change things up a little.

I’ve been meaning to get it done for quite some time and boy am I glad I did.

She always looks forward to putting her tiny tooth under her pillow and seeing what small gifts or special surprise the Tooth Fairy brings her the next morning.

So, I came up with a few tooth fairy letter printables to make the experience even more magical for her. And, today I want to share them with you!

These free printable tooth fairy letter templates come in both pink/purple and blue.

Each of the printable templates contains a tooth deposit template, little pocket envelope and a special letter from the Tooth Fairy acknowledging receipt of the tooth.

And of course, the whole thing is extra magical since it’s been sprinkled with loads of fairy dust 😉

Continue reading to find out more about the magical creature that created the tooth fairy tradition and score a copy of our free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope to use the next time your child loses a baby tooth.

The Tooth Fairy Tradition

free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope
free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope

The tooth fairy is a mythical creature that gives out small “payments” in exchange for gifts.

I remember looking forward to the Tooth Fairies visit when I was a little girl.

If I remember correctly I even had a special tooth fairy pillow where I’d tuck my little tooth away in anticipation of a visit. (Check out these tooth fairy pillow ideas on Amazon if you prefer to go that route).

It had a mini envelope pocket on the front where I’d stash my tooth for safe keeping. And, by morning the tooth would be gone and a surprise would be waiting for me on my bedside table.

Because I’m curious and sucker for anything folklore, I decided to look up the history of the Tooth Fairy Tradition.

Modern versions of this tradition can be traced back to 1908 in a copy of  “Household Hints”.

It’s reported that the magic of the Tooth Fairy would encourage especially young children to have their wiggly baby teeth removed if they knew a small gift awaited them under their pillow in the morning.

Make sense right? Kids would be far more willing to have an extra wiggly, holding on by a thread tooth pulled by their parents if they knew the tooth fairy would leave them a gift.

Today, The Tooth Fairy can bring young and older kids anything from a couple of dollars to a toy, book, special message, gift card and so much more.

If it’s the first visit from the Tooth Fairy for a child’s first tooth some parents opt to offer a bigger surprise since it’s the first time.

So, how much moo-lah you opt to spend is totally up to you. There aren’t any fixed rules.

After a couple times you’ll realize that kids have a lot of baby teeth and that the Tooth Fairy can get expensive 😉 

Free Printable Tooth Fairy Letters

free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope
free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope

This bundle of tooth fairy printables comes in both blue and a pink/purple.

The bundles are identical the only difference is the color of the free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope. 

Each bundle contains 3 files including:

  • Tooth fairy envelopes: you’ll need to print, cut along the dotted lines, fold and glue the sides to create your envelope so your child can send fairy mail. 
  • Tooth deposit template: your child will write their name and tape or glue their baby tooth in the indicated space. This is the best place to keep their tooth safe 😉
  • Tooth fairy certificate templates: a tooth fairy receipt and personalized tooth fairy letter proving that the Tooth Fairy collected the tooth, inspected it and approved of its quality.  You’ll need to write in your child’s name to personalize your copy.

Please note that this free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope are for personal use only. This means that it is 100% free for you to use. BUT, we prohibit our users from claiming ownership, reproducing or altering our free printable ideas for commercial use. You cannot under any circumstances sell our creations.

What’s The Tooth Fairies Going Rate?

free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope

I get this question often and my answer is always the same: “it depends on who you ask”.

A 1st tooth is usually more valuable than the rest. But, at the end of the day the decision is completely up to you. 

Some parents prefer leaving a little bit of money under their child’s pillow while others prefer to surprise their child with their own special notes or a small gift like a book or toy.  

I’ve heard of some parents leaving a twenty-dollar bill for a first tooth while others leave 5 dollars or even 2. Again, it’s 100% a personal choice.

In our home we’re all over the place.  On these special occasions the tooth fairy has left a couple of dollars for some teeth and small gifts for others.

In all cases, the goal is that the surprise will make the child feel special. So, go with what you know will make your child happy.

Tooth Fairy Gift Ideas

Here are some surprise ideas you can use with our free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope.

What If My Child Is Afraid Of The Tooth Fairy?

free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope

Some kids are completely spooked by the idea of a Tooth Fairy entering a child’s room while they are asleep.

Just like being scared of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny some kids are apprehensive of the concept of a stranger coming into their space.

If you’re child is a little on the weary side when it comes to the Tooth Fairy it doesn’t mean they need to miss out on the experience of using our  free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope.

Instead, you can send and receive correspondence with the Tooth Fairy via an outdoor mailbox.

Have your child leave their envelope in your mailbox or a shoebox on your porch. Then, swap it out for the personalized tooth fairy letter and tooth fairy receipt once they’ve gone to bed. 

I’ve even had subscribers use their tooth fairy note as door hanger on the outer part of their front door so that their child is assured that a stranger is not entering their home. Just punch a hole in your envelope, loop a piece of string and hang it from a doorknob.


Here are some supplies you’ll need to print your physical item.

I’m sure you have most of these items laying around.

So, make sure to have these items handy to prepare this fun printable tooth fairy envelope and letter.

  • color printer
  • card stock or photo paper
  • craft knife or scissors
  •  digital download in zip format (the pdf files are located at the end of this post)
  • glue stick (white liquid glue isn’t recommended for this project)
  • tape
  • pencil or marker

Download & Print Instructions

free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope

We recommend printing the free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope on high quality cardstock and in color ink. 

If you do not have access to color ink we highly recommend saving the zip file containing the pdf files of the free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope on a flash drive and visiting a local copy shop or photo center to print these documents.

To download this free tooth fairy letter and envelop simply click on the download link located at the bottom of this post.

This will automatically download the zip file to your computer. Each zip file contains a pdf file set including: miniature envelope, mini letter and tooth report certificate.

Please note that we opted to zip the files to reduce their size and make them smaller files to download. Once downloaded unzip the file to get access to the documents.

There are two download links, one for a pink/purple version and one for a blue version of our free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope.

Before printing, make sure that your print settings are set to color and that the orientation is set correctly.

We do not recommend printing our free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope directly from mobile devices.

Instead, we recommend opening the free printable tooth fairy letter and envelope files on a tablet or computer.

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Before You Go

There you have it! 🦷

A quick and adorable way to have the Tooth fairy leave your child a special little something when they loose a tooth!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for all our latest updates! We love creating fun and engaging printables and crafts for kids of all ages. 

Download Files 

Free printable Tooth Fairy letter and envelope PINK – zip file ​
Free printable Tooth Fairy letter and envelope BLUE – zip file

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