12+ Hedgehog Crafts For Kids

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These cute hedgehog crafts are great for kids in preschool, kindergarten and early primary school.

From paper plate hedgehog crafts to adorable hedgehogs made from recycled materials these easy craft ideas are so much fun to make as part of an animal unit!

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hedgehog crafts

Easy Hedgehog Crafts

If you found your way here looking for hedgehog crafts, you’re in luck!

These 12+ hedgehog crafts for kids are creative, engaging, and perfect for all ages.

Whether you’re looking for a quick afternoon project or a fun activity for a themed lesson, these charming hedgehog crafts are sure to be a hit with crafters of all ages.

10 Fun Hedgehog Facts

hedgehog crafts for kids

Did you know that …

  • Hedgehogs have spiky quills! They have up to 7,000 quills on their back, which help protect them from predators.
  • They curl into a ball! When hedgehogs feel scared, they roll up into a tight ball so their spiky quills stick out and keep them safe.
  • They are nocturnal! Hedgehogs sleep during the day and come out at night to look for food.
  • Hedgehogs love to eat bugs! Their favorite snacks include worms, beetles, and even small frogs or snails.
  • They can run fast! Even though they have short legs, hedgehogs can run up to 4 miles per hour—almost as fast as a person walking quickly!
  • They have a great sense of smell! Hedgehogs use their noses to sniff out food, even if it’s buried underground.
  • Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets! They are born with soft quills that harden a few hours after birth.
  • Hedgehogs can swim! They use their little legs to paddle through the water, but they always need a safe way to climb out.
  • They do something called “self-anointing”! When a hedgehog smells something new, it sometimes makes foamy spit and rubs it on its quills—scientists aren’t sure why!
  • Hedgehogs have been around for a long time! These amazing animals have existed for over 15 million years, even before some of today’s big animals like elephants!

More Animal Crafts For Kids

12+ Cute Hedgehog Crafts For Kids

Colorful Hedgehog Craft

Hedgehog Crafts

Visit this post from The Best Ideas For Kids to see how this cute hedgehog craft is made.

Fork Painted Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Go to this post from I Heart Crafty Things to get the free template you’ll need to make this fork painted hedgehog.

Handprint Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Head over to this post from Made To Be A Momma to see how this cute craft is made.

Hedgehog Paper Craft

hedgehog crafts

Visit this post from Frosting and Glue to see how this adorable hedgehog is made.

Moving Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Visit this post from Kids Craft Room to see how this cute craft is made.

Toilet Paper Roll Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Visit this post from Easy Peasy and Fun to see how this hedgehog craft is made

Paper Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Go to this post from Krokotak to see how this hedgehog craft is made.

Nature Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Go to this post from Arty Crafty Kids to see how this nature craft is made.

Fall Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Head over to this post from Fireflies and Mudpies to see how these hedgehog crafts are made.

Rice Hedgehog Craft

hedgehog crafts

Rice hedgehog crafts from unknown Pinterest source.

Chalk Art Hedgehog

hedgehog crafts

Go to this post from Glued To My Crafts Blog to see how these chalk art hedgehogs are made.

Pom Pom Hedgehogs

hedgehog crafts

Visit this post from Happy Toddler Playtime to see how this craft is made.

Hedgehog Flower Craft

hedgehog crafts

Visit this post from Ocean Child Crafts to see how this colorful hedgehog craft is made.

Books We Love

At This Tiny Blue House, we’re big fans of reading and love finding books that complement the screen-free activities we share.

If your kids are as enchanted by hedgehogs as we are, we’ve rounded up a selection of our favorite hedgehog-themed books to pair with the fun hedgehog crafts featured above.

These books offer a blend of adventure, friendship, and valuable life lessons, making them perfect companions for young readers interested in hedgehogs.

hedgehog books for kids
  • The Hedgehog of Oz – Written by Cory Leonardo, this enchanting tale follows Marcel, a bespectacled hedgehog living in the Emerald City Theater. Embarking on an adventure inspired by ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ Marcel discovers the true meaning of family and friendship.
  • Mole and Hedgehog – Authored by Cecilia Smith, this entry-level reader introduces young children to the charming friendship between Mole and Hedgehog. Through simple sentences and engaging illustrations, early readers learn about the joys of companionship.
  • Happy Travels Hedgehog – Published by Little Genius Books, this picture book tells the story of a hedgehog who loves his forest home but dreams of exploring beyond. As he ventures into new places, he learns that home is always in his heart.
  • Hedgehog in the Fog– By Yuri Norstein and Francesca Yarbusova, this beautifully illustrated book narrates the journey of a hedgehog who ventures into the fog to visit his friend, Bear. The story explores themes of curiosity and friendship.
  • Prickly Hedgehogs! – Written by Jane McGuinness, this engaging book combines storytelling with factual information, introducing children to the world of hedgehogs and their natural habitats.
  • Hedgehog’s Home – A classic tale by Branko Ćopić, this story follows a proud hedgehog who loves his home dearly. Through poetic language and rich illustrations, children learn about the value of contentment and pride in one’s home.

More Screen Free Activities For Kids

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Before You Go

There you go! – 12+ adorable hedgehog crafts kids of all ages will enjoy making.

Are you planning to make any of these hedgehog crafts? We want to see the finished product – so snap a photo and reach out to us on Facebook to show us your creation.

hedgehog crafts

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